Tuesday, December 2, 2008

*********************************Holiday Shopping!!!**********************************

I know that the holidays are so close that you can taste them so i wantd to do a few holiday product reviews before the shipping becomes impossible! This adorable little cake hair clip is from DaisyRoseSB.etsy.com. The artist is the sweetest person, and her creations so delicious looking, that you might get a toothache just visiting her shop! She has all sort of yummy looking hair clips, I have three of them myself!

They arrived (very quickly!) in a beautiful little box and I was so excited that I changed my outfit so that I could wear them at once! Please check out this fabulous goodie shop and try a few of your own! http://DaisyRoseSB.etsy.com


OurWanderingAdventures said...

HOLY FABULOUS! Those are awesome!!! THanks for this awesome find!