Sunday, January 18, 2009

Model Competition ♥

Well, my dears, I have been having such a wonderful and tough time choosing only five models for my brand. So tough.....really tough. Not only am I receiving beautiful and professional entries, I have found so many of them to be very versatile, unique, and aesthetically pleasing to my dreamy eye. So................................
After careful consideration, and meetings with fellow crafters and knowledgeable colleagues, I have decided to choose 10 models instead of just five. There are many reasons to add more models that seemed obvious to others that I hadn't even thought of.
*What if someone gets sick and can't do right away?
*What if someone is out of town?
*What if they all go on holiday at the same time?
*What if all five want to model the same one thing?
*What if you would like a redhead with glasses to model the kelly green bow scarf with ruffles!?
* What if all of the things that I just mentioned happened at once!
Oh NO!! That would be horrible! Not only do I have to consider all of those things, but the entries were just! So many different elements that I would like to bring to Mousse au Chocolat! I have to have them all! I must! I must have that beautiful mod girl! I must have that gorgeous and elegant boy!!
So....after I calmed myself........ I made my decision. More models = more versatility!
I have already received over 200 entries , and I expect I shall receive 200 more. Thank you to everyone who has entered already, I loved seeing all of your lovely faces! To those of you who haven' it!! I want to see you too! Take a peek at the original post ( ) and try it out!


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Seems like you've got quite a task here! You could always select a few "part-time" models, in case someone else can't do a certain piece or if you just like their look and want to hold on to them for special projects or something.

mousse said...

That is exactly what I was thinking of doing! 10 in the beginning, and 10 to shadow or jump in when one can't do it!

_IxIc3Cr3aMxI_ said...

Hello. I sent u an email ( Did u receive it? :)